About us

Welcome to TechDrivenz.com, your go-to destination for all things tech! We’re a technology blog packed with helpful tips, tricks, and much more. Our goal is to empower tech enthusiasts, learners, and curious minds in the digital age by providing insights into consumer technology solutions.

At TechDrivenz, we focus on leveraging the capabilities of Google Workspace and Google Apps Script to automate business processes and boost productivity. We also explore GenerativeAI Solutions for the general public. Our commitment extends to offering valuable computer tips, Internet tricks, mobile advice, product reviews, curated lists of useful websites, and in-depth coverage of the latest tech trends.

Our mission is simple: to be your ultimate resource for navigating the ever-evolving world of technology. We want our readers to explore, learn, and stay updated, enabling them to make informed decisions and maximize their digital experiences.

TechDrivenz.com has rapidly grown into a prominent tech blog, and we’re thrilled to continue expanding our reach. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or reach out directly via email at info@techdrivenz.com. Join us as we journey through the exciting realm of technology together!

About Raj K

Meet Raj K, the brains behind this blogging website! Raj is not just your average website owner; he’s a web geek, technologist, and entrepreneur with a passion for all things Internet-related.

Before diving into the world of blogging, Raj gained over a decade of valuable experience working in top tech consulting firms in Europe. During this time, he specialized in providing technology solutions to major banks and financial institutions, helping them tackle complex challenges in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Raj’s journey into the tech world began with his academic pursuits. He holds a degree in Metallurgy & Materials Engineering from I.I.T. Kanpur, earned in 2011, showcasing his strong foundation in engineering principles. Additionally, he holds a degree in Physics from Ranchi University, awarded in 2004, further demonstrating his diverse educational background.

With his wealth of experience and expertise, Raj brings a unique perspective to this blogging website. His combination of technical knowledge, entrepreneurial spirit, and hands-on experience in the field makes him a valuable asset in the world of technology and blogging.